
崇文门 Chongwenmen

Chongwenmen: Yuan, said the door of civilization, commonly known as "Hartmann", "Haidai door." Chongwenmen to left-hand side Weng Cheng Zhenhai Zhenhai iron inside the famous turtle. In addition Chongwenmen customs duty on the harsh business also look outside the door daunting. "Chongwen iron turtle," were all over the ring Kyoto. Take the car wine, liquor is outside the city, then most of the wine is good wine from Zhuozhou in Hebei and other transportation, natural to go into the Beijing Road. Yun-wine-the-art car outside the city's Tiananmen Square left, Chongwenmen to pay taxes. At that time the capital of the Qing Dynasty liquor sign a written "South shochu", meaning to say, I have been on duty, my wine is not piracy, of course, that time has not yet said a ownership, Ha ha.杨柳青年画the late Qing Dynasty, known as a "cross Qiu-Jiang night." Its liquor advertising sign painted on the screen that read "South", "in wine" and other words, this is reflected in the tax for all the good habits. Chongwen previous outside the north-east have an iron turtle, the shape is very simple, it is said to bridge the moat for a child to have a sea view, so people with a sea turtle to Zhenzhu eyes, to protect the safety of Beijing. In addition, the rulers of ancient ideology and the pursuit of harmony in form is about "feng shui" intermediate "Zhengyang" for the left-hand side, "Chongwen" You Shou "Willy" to form a well-known "before the three" Main Street. Beijing Chongwen District, one of the four major urban areas, is by and named after the Chongwenmen. Chongwenmen Yuan Dadu was one of the Shing Mun 11 (at the time the door of civilization), the three South City is one of the most East. Ming Dynasty city of Beijing converted, 11 will be changed to 9; the door of civilization, although the location is not fixed, but changed its name to Chongwenmen. Qing Dynasty, used this name until today. This is a lot left in the middle iron to hear the matter. Yuan Dadu city is rammed into the soil (called the ancient "version of the building"), under the narrow width, and stand tall. Construction began in 1267 (Yuan Yuan for four years), completed in 1276 (13 years Yuan), a full ten years. Because it was rammed into the soil, then had a city to prevent soil erosion rain, with subsequent 1000 (Guanming) proposed WANG Qing-rui, "Pai Wei provision, since under the cherry on." That is used reeds curtain from bottom-up coverage, people like to wear as I am similar, or reed Mino city or town, and the establishment of a civilization outside the overcast field. "Analysis of Jin Chi" set: every year, "Wei close to the city Minowa," up to "millions" (Tam) as much. Chongwen District today with the headline grass plant 10 to the south, north, central Lucaogou Park (formerly Reed Park), and other names, all of the Yuan Dynasty and Wei received the relevant field. Later, due to the occurrence of the Yuan Dynasty throne battle, Cheng I am afraid that the other side with the fire siege, the curtain is dropping the reed. Yuan Dadu why open the door 11, South Second, North Third, the three things? Is not recorded in the history. Yuanmomingchu wrote "The farmland more than words" (author unknown), "Liu Yan City Department of Taibao Customization, a 11, making the city a man of bionic strength Ne Zha two-legged" shape. Zhang Yu also later wrote: "Most of the around 11, thatch grass land to build the city Ne Zha." Like this, 11 is the legendary symbol of the image of the Ne Zha. Three cities as "3", North City 2 "feet", the three things is the "six arms." "Chuang Chuang 11, is charged as Yunyan" (Yin-ching is a "golden-Taiwan"), we can see are very busy. As most of the design for 11 of the Shing Mun, "Liu Tai-Bao" is Liu Bingzhong. He had been a monk, Fahaozaicong, officials renamed after Liu Bingzhong. Yuan is the supreme ruler of Buddhism. Liu Haiyun called by the monks, have not yet met to ascend the throne of Kublai Khan. Liu followed Khan to fight in Yunnan, cutting the Southern Song Dynasty, the popular attention to Khan. Khan took the throne after the closure to Liu Tai-Bao, to participate in state affairs. Although Liu Bingzhong Buddhists, but careful study of Taoist doctrines, the "Book of Changes" of tai chi, Liang Yi, four images, gossip, Shao Yong Song Dynasty, "by the World Bank" in the "innate number as the" delight in talking about. Large capital construction, particularly in the planning and design, he is one of the principal person in charge. Therefore, in order to cater to his supreme ruler of the Yuan Dynasty "long prosperity of the" arrogant, blind faith in psychology, in order to play their own theories, their own aspirations, from the design of the number of Shing Mun, to spread unfounded, "Shinto-based education", Is entirely possible. Liu's death buried in the Marco Polo Bridge. Yuan door of civilization, also known as hada door at the time. "Old news the next test," cited Xi Zhi Jin, "said:" hada large door in the Palace, the name of. "Hada why Mr. King, can not test. "Hada" homophonic circulating around town as a "big Kazakhstan" and "Hard" until the liberation Hartmann also license cigarettes. In the Yuan Dynasty, hada door to call this, over the door of civilization. Writing in a number of intellectuals, "hada", "big Kazakhstan" elegant enough, on the one hand, the use of its homonym, on the one hand, the use of the door of civilization in the south eastern end of the geographical location, language, "Haidai door." Chiang Ming-Kwai who wrote, "Chang-off," said: "Tai Shan, to do throughout the east Bohai Sea Ju Dou, when the yuan to 'Haidai' doors of the check." Sea, that is, in the Bohai Sea, East China Sea; Dai, that is, Zong, that is, Zong Mount Tai. Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, "Wang Yue," there "were injured husband, Lu Qing unfinished," the poem. The two places in the East, the more justified explanations. To the Qianlong of the Qing, Yang Qing from the book "the situation in Western Beijing," added: (Chongwenmen) "You Yue Haidai, corner Hill made the sea route are Ossetia tribute, the Secretary for Tax Division in behavior." This is just from the people of the Ming Shi Xuan "Heritage of the old Beijing", "9 capital, there are taxation, and the EC in a Chongwen Division" comes from. As the text Shung-door has a total taxable Secretary, had "Haidai" as "Shan Hai Yiu corner," This is a very far-fetched. However, regardless of the "Haidai" word of explanation, the Ming and Qing literati, and even the supreme ruler of all often do not have to "civilized" and "Chongwen, and" Haidai. "Qing Ming Ming as" Gordon House, Chongwen, "poem : "Droit de seigneur city for the first net and Egypt struggle, hope Haidai clear eyes open, half-empty when seated Ziqi, Qiusheng miles this stage. "Haidai on the door, better weather, the East Ziqi, eyes open thousands of miles, how magnificent! Of the Qing Dynasty," White Yokado recorded poetry ":" Bringing the Haidai door, prostitution who suffer low. "Own" are low "as a foil, extolling the sea injuries rise of the door. Yuan from the so-ching to the famous Da Guan continued living in the vicinity of Chongwenmen." Chen Yuan know a little "set: Yuan Yu Shi Wang Yan in the door of civilization Xu, outside the South East, have built villas, "to build a garden, from a Didi", a more "SMTH Pavilion", is particularly outstanding. At that time, many people have in mind Ren says: Citing boarded the "Bringing the North inner gates? (Shing) Five cloud disappeared Margaret; Seomang henashi poop (Tonghui He refers to the ship), in general Yanbo vast, varied between the tree goes. "Civilization can be seen at the time the doors near the grand occasion.'s Death was over thanks to the" text ", the Yongzheng Scholars , East Pavilion taxi University of Prince Edward Liu Tongxun Taibao (in the Qing Dynasty over the law, "the text is" the most difficult, at least), the Yongzheng imperial poetry thanks to his "high-Haidai family status," Liu said, is meant to live in Haidai The door a noble family. "Cao water recorded time" in mind and a well-known calligrapher Zhao (a word days) also live in front of Chongwen, "show deep Yuhong, Phoebe Hall," is extremely important. However, during the Qing Dynasty's Chongwen The door has not Nancheng of Yuan Dadu city and capital of the southern tip of the early Ming Dynasty, but became more lively in the city. After that is the case: the original oak-Ming Zhu Yan Feng in Beijing, won in his nephew Wen Jian's throne, the year Wing-lok, decided to move the capital from Nanjing, Beijing. So from 1406 (four years, Wing-lok) in the Yuan Dadu city on the basis of the reconstruction of Beijing. 1420 (Wing-lok 18) completed. After the renovation of Beijing, the first to the Nancheng Yuan Dadu city, 0.8 kilometers to the south. Most of the original south of the city was about Tiananmen Square today in the northern section, moved south into what it is today. At the same time, the North removed the city from east to west and the city also demolished part of the North for the construction of a city. The Andingmen Jimen Qiao and outside the vicinity of the ruins of Yuan Dadu Tucheng. Second, to be re-brick Tucheng City. Yuan Dadu put on the Tucheng although "I am similar," but can not resist the final curtain Wei rain, so in the generation of the Yuan Dynasty, part of the "city of collapse" of things often happen only in the era of Kublai Khan's Yuan to 20 years 30 Years, "the city collapse," eight times. Every time repairs, Xingshidongzhong, and waste money, not cost goods. Ming Dynasty bricks into the city are also slightly trapezoidal, under the wide and narrow, brick per line per line and between the bricks, up slightly recessed for the benefit of low-down rain. Third, the Yuan Dadu to be changed to 11 9, Nancheng three doors as usual, only to change the name of the Shing Mun, such as the door of civilization Chongwenmen changed until today. By the year 1552 (Sanshiyinian Ming Jiajing), in order to prevent the invasion of northern ethnic minorities, in the whole scheme outside Beijing, and then a building outside the city, resulting in difficulties in the financial and material resources, the only foreign Nancheng Tsukiji into a strip of the East and West Wall, that is today's Guangqu Men from the East, West Quang Ninh to the door outside the city, also called the city. As a result, the old city of Beijing south of the Chongwenmen, has become the inner city. Street shops, other residents, were out of the gate of the official business, on the rise. Customs of the Qing Dynasty who, in the next follow-on urban construction. In order to transfer it over in Beijing were officials of the revenue, "9 capital, there are taxation, and the EC in a Chongwen Secretary" (see Ming Shi Xuan "old Beijing Heritage"). In the beginning, "the Department Tariff family" provides that the baggage is not out of the tax, "however, foreign officials are often taxable items, such as the renewal of silk cloth, and so on." As a result, "the private money that the levy of tax-free capital" and even "no sign of having goods also." Customs officials "and go on patrol, as a means of tax evasion, double punishment" (see above are "dual-day Zhi Wen"). Chen Qing Dynasty game, "Lang Ji Wen Qian," set: "Wu Jiang, Shandong Buzheng Shi Lu Zhongcheng to see Majesty, the customs officials (Chongwenmen refers to the Inland Revenue Department) claim over the extravagance, the public can not and is home to clothing, carrying a servant Before the line, said: 'You Shen my ears, what taxes!' To both, by old friends from the mattress quilt, and also finish things off of. "Taxation, many procedures, cross-examined in every possible way, the delay time. General small traders also have to queue up and wait. Tianchangrijiu, small traders find out a solution; goods according to their number, the tax inserted Mao Yan, reached the crossing, customs officials removed money immediately released. Richard Li Qing Dynasty people had a poem: "9 levy a special class, the horse track dust each successive car. So in self Tam spent tax, Zhao Zhao double the money made off intercalation temples." This is money that customs officials to the private . Tax revenue Chongwenmen many, in order to prevent the envy of other officials to "offer fresh" in the name of each year in March. To the emperor and to send Secretary of State croaker, winter bamboo shoots and whitebait October delivery has become a disguised form of dividing up the gains. At that time, also provides that the city not to open the "burning pot", where foreign liquor by the official designated by the sale of wine merchants, the evil spirit in the text of the door of the 18 designated by the unity of their land for sale, unified tax, commonly known as "18 hotels." Wine is a heavy duty, breweries small workshop in general, to make a living, often at night with a chest full of wine pig urine neck, secretly climb over the wall in order to avoid high taxes. This is the "back alcohol". Back alcohol is a very difficult and dangerous. They close to the back wall with both hands and both feet firmly and Dengzhe Pazhe per line Chengzhuan micro-protruding, up bit by bit, "climb" to the city's health department and then go on to the rope. The feudal rulers of serious exploitation, forced people to seek out Jiusiyisheng. At that time, so the text of the Inland Revenue Department said Miranda was "gate of hell. Since the end of Ming Dynasty, Chongwen outside is more lively, large and small traders, busy. Ying moat has a clear head, a shelf River bridge, a middle reaches of the river floating restaurant, a kind of cross-strait trees and plants. Lvliu the wind, on the invitation of red, very beautiful. Ming Dong Xuan "Summer out the door of civilization," Poetry: "civilization outside the city Yin Yin Liu, Huang Peng sent a hundred Bird sound good. Yugou off line (moat) Looking back, five-Yun Shen Phoenix pavilion." Bridge near For the city of flowers, "Every month there are four cities, farmers and daily-use device for more. His four Alley North, are required to decorate Boudoir, Cui Yu-ming pendant, fake flowers meaning of a bun, many in the market between" (See, "Zhi-day even smell"). Moat along the east Pacific for the palace, the palace known as peach, in March each year, "the rule of man from a discretionary call, the flying horse bit bridle, and this visit" and "Grass people to sleep", "Arrow sprinkling (pot for the game), Luk Yeung Sun Slope "(see the early Qing Dynasty who PAN Rong Majesty" at the age of Teikyo Ji Sheng "). David hook one end of the Qing dynasty also said that "the city of peace Gongmiao height", "near to river channel for irrigation, no city Guo, Chun-bo diarrhea green, soft red soil shop, Chan King-century drama, music into the embankment, clothing figure Xiang, Yang shake Spring, where the Three Mile Xu. " In winter, is a moat on the scene: "The winter cold, wooden bed to the next set of steel, one person cited in the former rope, sitting three or four people, the swift ice, the fine-sounding name-bed trailer. Canyun snow , The King even more picturesque. Rub an ice slide, both written by Li's iron teeth, the popular ice, such as Chi-sing switch, the first to win the title, skating fine-sounding name. All the people in the moat, the group rubbed smooth, Means of transport between the two places also dragged bed. Even connect a trailer bed, and governance discretion to look at Chen, Huan Yin singing, two or three traction, swift and convenient. Ji car than to sit and say more than "(see "When Teikyo-year-old Ji Sheng"). Later, the increasing blockage of water moat, the Qing government and warlords was not double-jun, scenic spots in the past, gone. Chongwenmen peach palace to traffic, will be replaced by donkey; donkey know, go into chaos, people do not have to lead to their own destination donkey will be pedestrian access to no error. This is the case, until the eve of liberation. Today, Chongwenmen wall has been dismantled, replaced by a moat of water flow underground drain. Wall along the wall of the site, on the ground wide clean asphalt-paved road, traveling pedestrians, day and night, is always flooded; on both sides of the road, stands tall, Tsui Xiulian screen is home to 10,000 people in. There are built around the city underground railway, extending in all directions, and Feng Chi switch, the daily throughput of hundreds of thousands of people. Here with 700 when compared to the pre-Yuan Dadu, which is a huge difference.

  崇文门:元称文明门,俗称“哈德门“,“海岱门“。崇文门以瓮 城左首镇海寺内镇海铁龟著名。此外崇文门税关之苛也使外埠客 商望门生畏。“崇文铁龟”名遍响京都。走酒车,城外是酒道,当年的美酒佳酿大多是从河北涿州等地运来,进北京自然要走南路。运酒的车先进了外城的左安门,再到崇文门上税。清朝那时候京城卖酒的招牌得写“南路烧酒”,意思就是说,我上过税了,我的酒不是盗版,当然,那时候还没有产权一说呢,呵呵。清末的杨柳青年画,有一幅叫做《秋江晚渡》。它的画面上画着酒幌,上面写着“南路”、“于酒”等字样,反映的就是这种全民纳税的良好风尚。以前的崇文门外,东北方向有一只铁龟,造型很是古朴,据说这一段儿护城河的桥下有一个海眼,于是人们就用一只乌龟来镇住海眼,保护北京城的平安。另外古代的统治者在思想和形式上都追求和谐统一讲究“风水”中间为“正阳”左首为“崇文”右首为“宣武”形成有名的“前三门”大街。

永定门的风光,南城的大门 Yongding Men's scenery, the door Nancheng

Yongding Men in Beijing, the shapes of the tower as the inner city, Chongyanxieshan three water-tower building, Gray Tongwa cutting edge green glazed tile roof, Miankuo 5, 24 m-wide; into the deep 3, 10.50 meters deep into the pass; Floor Even Taiwan-high 26 meters. Weng Cheng was a square, the two arc-shaped exterior angle for the east-west width 42 meters, 36 meters long from north to south, the urn wall Dingkuan 6 meters. Jian Lou Regulation and the larger gap between the tower, not coordinated; Danyanxieshan Tong Wa-gray roof; Miankuo 3, 12.8 meters wide, deep into a 6.70 m, 8 m high, Taiwan's Lin Shing-high 15.85 meters; South, East and West on three sides to provide the arrow on the second floor window, each seven holes to the south, East and West each hole 3; North Loumen cut-off for the wooden side-door; Jianlou Taiwan under the city center of the first tower of the openings provided a voucher Portal [Edit this paragraph] the history of construction in 1957 have all been removed and reconstruction in 2004. Beijingers know, the old city of Beijing into the inner city, outer city, the original "Nine foreign Seven" A total of 16 Shing Mun. However, since the beginning of the Republic of China to dismantle part of the Shing Mun, in the early liberation in order to improve road traffic and to dismantle most of the Shing Mun, in Beijing city's original 9 Shing Mun, with only a tower Zhengyang Men, Jian Lou, Jian Lou Deshengmen, outside the Beijing city The original 7, yet no one remains. ■ Wing-lok next 18 years into the city of Beijing, the outline of the plane was a square, only 9 Shing Mun Wu Ming-hong first year (1368) two days in August, Ming Zhu Yuanzhang to send a big attack, General Xu Da Yuan Dadu, Yuan Dadu will be renamed the "Peking House." In order to shorten the line of defense to prevent remnants of the back of the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Da ordered most of the south and north of the city wall back 5, in this Deshengmen, Andingmen first-line reconstruction. Wing-lok next year (1403), in Nanjing proclaim oneself emperor Yongle Emperor Zhu Di of the order to do their own manor at the time of Yan in Beijing upgraded to "Beijing." This is the beginning of Beijing got its name. Wing-lok four years, Zhu Di ordered the construction of the Imperial Palace in Beijing, the renovation of the walls, moved the capital to prepare. Wing-lok 17 years, in order to expand the space in front of the palace, the original line of Changan Avenue in the south of the southern wall 2, Zhengyang Men in the first-line reconstruction. 19 Wing-lok (1421) New Year's Day, announced that Zhu Di formal moved the capital to Beijing. The city of Beijing at this time, the outline of the plane was a square, only 9 Shing Mun. City Zhengyang Men from the south axis running through the Imperial Palace, arrived in the North Tower. Strong and powerful country in the early Ming, Emperor Yongle of tribal Mongolia to take the offensive, has Shuaijun five North levy, the issue was not highlighted. Later strength of the decline of the Ming Dynasty, the Mongolian armed forces have been Binglinchengxia to Jiajingnianjian, then officials have suggested that Beijing build the external circle of about 80 weeks apart in the city for safety reasons. Due to lack of funds, Yan Song from the proposed change in the design. Construction of additional works outside the city in 32 years Ming Jiajing (1553), was due to the southern suburbs (outside the Zhengyang Men) relatively prosperous, and the altar of the Royal Temple of Heaven and Xiannong Tan, the first city outside the South line built. But to start soon, as a result of insufficient funds to sustain. It also reflects the rulers and the fatuity of the low-energy, which was not properly at an early stage financing. Helpless, Emperor Jiajing were thinking of ways to Cabinet Shou Fu Yan Song. Yan Song to a stroll around the project site, really come up with a clever but can not deal with the "good ideas", that is, only the south building walls, the other three sides in the future to be rich to say when. South line length of the wall, the original plan of 20 years reduced to 13, the east and west ends of bending to the north, and south-east of the city in the southwest to join the two turret. Jun Jiajing but did not expect the so-called "in the future to talk about" until death can not start tomorrow. ■ Ming Jiajing 43 outside the city of Beijing built the main entrance of the name "Yongding Men", meaning "always stability" Ming Jiajing 43 (1564), Beijing, the city built, with a total length of 28, there is open 7 Shing Mun. As a result of additional outside the city's motive is to strengthen the security of Beijing, the Shing Mun more than a name in pursuit of "stability" and "peace" in color, such as "Tiananmen Square left," "Tiananmen Square right", "Quang Ninh door "(Qing dynasty emperor to avoid the taboo of Minning called" Guang'An Men "). Outside the main entrance of the city, "Yongding Men", Ji Yu is "always stability" means. Built outside the city after the Beijing axis Zhengyang Men by the extending to the Yongding Men, the south tower of up to 16 years. As the only city outside the southern part of the building, so since Beijing's outline of the plane on the formation of a "convex" shape. And "City" unworthy of the name, said it was not outside the city, but, in the south of the city, so outside the city of Beijing, also known as "South City." Qing Dynasty adopted such a pattern has not changed, only the Shing Mun and the walls had been repaired many times. Now Beijing's Second Ring Road and South Second Ring Road, is along the "convex" shape of the contour of the building. ■ reconstruction after the Yongding Men, which is modeled after the Ming Dynasty Shibian Shibian as carving system In 1644, the Qing capital Beijing, Beijing will have on the Shing Mun with the Chinese Ming Dynasty, wrote the board removed in favor of full and Chinese characters written by two horizontal inscribed board. Revolution to overthrow the Qing Dynasty, the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of China in the early Zhu Qiqian please Mr. Shao Zhang Hangzhou, famous for Beijing to re-wrote the name of the Shing Mun Chinese name, and Dan Bian made of mosaic. A book in 1931, "Yan Du Cong test" account, "Today, the doors of places are also Shaojun Book." With the Beijing one after another to remove the Shing Mun, Mr. Shao Zhang wrote most of the board without loss of deposit, are only Yang Jian Lou's door openings are still embedded at the top of a piece. Shing Ming Dynasty and the original board, as it is rare, rare. In 2003, the Xiannong Tan in Beijing Ancient Building Museum in front of a tree Cooper, found in the Ming Dynasty original Yongding Men's Dan Bian. The matter on August 22, 2003's "Beijing Youth Daily" reported there. This Danbian, 2 meters long, 0.78 meters high, 0.28 meters thick, regular script "Yongding Men," Chen Xiong words vigorous, well-preserved, is 32 years Ming Jiajing (1553) was established at the time of the original Yongding Men. Now Yongding Men's reconstruction, the openings at the top of the inlay Danbian "Yongding Men," the words that follow this piece of sculpture Danbian. ■ Yongding Men's reconstruction after the old regained Chengzhuan Taishan three dangerous goods warehouse built in 1954. Upon completion, just in time to remove Yongding Men, on Chengzhuan used to repair the wall of the warehouse. These manufacturers Jiajingnianjian old Chengzhuan in nearly half a century later transported back to re-build the wall on the Yongding Men
[编辑本段]修建历史  1957年被全部拆除,2004年重建。北京人都知道,老北京城分为内城、外城,原有“内九外七”共16座城门。但是自从民国时期开始拆除部分城门、解放初期为了改善道路交通又拆除大部分城门以来,北京内城原有的9座城门,只余正阳门城楼、箭楼、德胜门箭楼,北京外城原有的7座城门,则无一遗存。

National Palace Museum, China's Forbidden City 故宫博物院,中国的紫禁城

拼音:gù gōng
  英文:The Imperial Palace或the Palace Museum,the Forbidden City
National Palace Museum, that is, in feudal dynasty rule before the end of the dynasty emperor by the work of the palace residence buildings are now more means the Beijing Palace Museum. [Edit this paragraph] About the Imperial Palace in Beijing at the National Palace Museum in Beijing, formerly known as the Forbidden City. Is the Ming and Qing dynasties of the palace, unique masterpiece of ancient architecture, the world's largest, most complete ancient buildings. As the world's five first Palace (the Imperial Palace in Beijing, the Palace of Versailles France, United Kingdom Buckingham Palace, the White House, the Kremlin Russia). Palace plan National Palace Museum was founded in the year 1406,1420 in the basic completion of the Ming Emperor Zhu Di was founded. Palace 961 meters long from north to south and 753 meters wide east, an area of about 725,000 square meters. Construction area of 155,000 square meters. Legend has it that a total of 9999.5 Palace, in 1973, according to real experts on-site measuring the size of the Palace compound has more than 90 blocks, 980 houses, for a total of 8707 (and this "between" now is not the room of the concept, here, "between" 4 Housing columns formed by space). Miyagi surrounded by 12 meters high, long wall of 3400 meters, in the form of a rectangular city, outside the wall, 52 meters wide moat surrounded by a fortified castle barriers. Forbidden City palace are building wooden structures, yellow glazed tile roof, green Whitehead base, decorated with paintings of the resplendent. Palace 4 doors, the main entrance of the Meridian Gate, Donghua Men of the East Gate, the name Simon West China doors north gate of Shenwu Men. In the face of the north gate Shenwu Men, useful soil, and stone into the Jingshan, the mountain is covered with pine Baicheng Lin. In the overall layout, Jingshan is building the barrier Palace. Construction of the National Palace on the basis of its layout and function is divided into "North" and "Neiting" Most of the two. "North Korea" and "Neiting" in order to stem the door for community-ching, ching stem outside the door for North Korea to the south, north to Neiting. North Korea outside the National Palace, the building Neiting very different atmosphere. North Korea and the outside Ethernet, and in Bulgaria and the three main hall as the center is the emperor will be held in North Korea, also known as "the former administration." Is a feudal power Emperor, the grand ceremony was held. In addition there are two wings of East Wenhua Dian, Wen Yuan Ge, Si hospital on the South 3; West Wu Yingdian there, and so on Neiwu Fu construction. Neiting to Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall cross, after three Kunning Gong Temple as the center, Yang Xindian for the two wings, East and West Liu Gong, Temple Chai, Yuqing Gong, after the Imperial Garden. Is a feudal emperor and Empress of the residence. Neiting Ningshou Gong was the eastern part of the Qianlong emperor to step down after the construction and endowment. Ci Ninggong Neiting West, Shou-an Temple. In addition, Chung Wa Palace, North 5, and other construction. [Edit this paragraph] the history of the National Palace Museum was founded in the year 1406 (2004 Wing-lok), 1420 (18 years, Wing-lok) completion of the basic and will last for 14 years, is the Ming Chengzu Zhu Di built in the Yuan Dadu on the basis of the construction of the palace . Kuai Designers presided over the beginning of the Ming Cheung (1397-1481, the word Ting-jui, Suzhou). After the completion of the National Palace Museum, went through the Ming and Qing dynasties of the two, to the demise of the Qing emperor in 1911, about 500 years, after the Ming and Qing dynasties and 24 emperors of the two. Is the core of the Ming and Qing dynasties ruled synonymous with the highest. Ming and Qing court 500 years of history, including the Empress, hierarchy, power struggles, religious worship, and so on. At that time, ordinary people even approached the wall near the Forbidden City where crime can be called. Since the Ming and Qing court feudal system is a high degree of complete domination of the top center, an unusual event, often around the imperial power transmission and carried out safety. Such as the restoration of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty orthodox Duo Men's changed, Emperor Jiajing was the lady-in-waiting Mouci Renyin change Palace, 43 Wanli club hit too womb "which hit club," Taichang Emperor died as a result of service Dan Wan "Red Pill case, "Taichang around Dili after the dead emperor of the new board of a" shift Palace "storm. Secretary of State for the Kings in the early Qing Dynasty imperial power established by the three officials of the temple dispute, the late Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi yau coup to seek power, and so on. Revolution in 1911, the Forbidden City Palace should have been nationalized all, but then, in accordance with the development of the "Qing Shi preferential conditions," Prince's Emperor Pu Yi was allowed to "temporarily Gong Jin", that is, "sleep "Section. In 1924, launched by Feng Yuxiang, "Beijing coup", will be driven out of Pu Yi Gong Jin, at the same time to set up a "follow-up committee Qing Shi", took over the National Palace. In October 10, 1925 announced the formal establishment of the National Palace Museum, opening to the outside world. After the Forbidden City in 1925 was known as the "Forbidden City." With the decline of the Qing Dynasty, in particular, in 1949 before 38 years, the increasing destruction of the Palace building, there are a number of palaces group collapse, garbage Chengshan. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, 1961, the State Department announced that the National Palace for the first batch of "national key cultural unit." Starting from the 1950s and 1960s for a large-scale repair. National Palace Museum in 1988 by UNESCO as "World Cultural Heritage." Now into the "Palace Museum." [Edit this paragraph] in the form of construction strictly according to the National Palace Museum, "Kao Gong Ji Zhou", "shortly after the former administration, the left-right Social ancestors," the Royal Park building construction principles. National Palace Museum as a whole, the layout of the building, with physical changes in the way of ups and downs, into a whole. In the feudal society in line with the functions of the hierarchy. At the same time, about to reach a balanced and physical changes in the artistic effect. China forms the roof of the building is a colorful, the National Palace in the building, there are different forms of the roof for more than 10. 3 hall, for example, varied roof. Forbidden City shop building roof over pieces of colored glazed tile. The main hall in order to block the main yellow. Prince for green residential construction. Other blue, violet, black, malachite green, and Chui, Sapphire, and other colored glass colorful, multi-use glass or in the garden wall. Zheng Ji roof of the Hall of Supreme Harmony among the glass at both ends of each animal kiss, a strong and stable living swallow large ridge. Kiss the beautiful animal model, is also a member ornaments. Part of a dragon and phoenix shaped pieces of tile, the lion, the hippocampus, and other three-dimensional image of the animal, symbolizing good luck and dignity, these components in the construction played a role in decoration. Palace front of the palace, at the time of construction design requirements magnificent, clear the open courtyard, a symbol of the supremacy of the feudal regime, the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City is located at the center of the diagonal, four each on 10 animal Jixiang Rui, a vivid image of life. The National Palace Museum to display the designer so that the emperor's authority to deter the world. Neiting asked at the rear of profound courtyards, compact construction, so things are Liugong self-contained, each with its own Gongmen wall, arranged in a relatively orderly, in conjunction lanterns With further right, Xiuta a few beds, luxury is reflected in adaptation Needs of the layout. Neiting followed after the Court Palace. After the Court have not carved Suihan Calocedrus the pines, show again and again block the exquisite stone rockery, floor, Pavilion, Pavilion, which shade pavilion, beautiful and tranquil. Forbidden City Palace along a north-south axis in order, the three main hall, after the three Palace, the Imperial Garden is located in the central axis. On both sides to start taking the North-South straight, symmetrical. The axis running through not only in the Forbidden City, and South Yongding Men in the north to the Drum Tower, the Clock Tower, runs through the city, the great boldness of vision, thorough planning, very spectacular. Forbidden City is hundreds of years ago the working people of the crystallization of the intelligence and effort. Slavery was built in the early hours of a craftsman hundreds of thousands of workers, millions of service-fu. At that time, in social production conditions, to the construction of this magnificent tall buildings, fully reflects the ancient Chinese working people of high intelligence and be able to create. At the same time, in order to build the National Palace, as required for the timber, in the Ming Dynasty, mostly collected from Sichuan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places, many people were forced to labor in the mountains in the primeval forest, the cutting of timber transportation. The use of stone taken from more than Beijing and away from the outer suburbs on the outskirts of Beijing in two to three hundred of the mountain. Each weighing several tons of stone are a few dozen or even several hundred tons, such as security and now bring up the rear of the canopy level, there is a piece of stone carving Yunlong, weighing about 250 tons. Architectural experts say that the design and construction of the National Palace Museum is a unique masterpiece, and its layout, three-dimensional effect, as well as the formal grand, grand, solemn, harmony, building momentum majestic, magnificent luxury, is the ancient Chinese art of architecture The essence. It marks China's long cultural traditions, showing more than 500 years ago, craftsmen in the building on the excellent achievements. Mountain stand in the National Palace point of view, can not see a window in order to find a way to prevent the assassin. There are two large front of the iron cylinder, is the fire, which filled with water. [Edit this paragraph] 4 Forbidden City Palace Museum has four doors, known as the main entrance of the Meridian Gate. His plane for the concave, magnificent. Meridian Gate after five sophisticated white marble arch gate leading to Tai Wo. Donghua Men of the East Gate, the name Simon West China doors north gate of Shenwu Men. Palace of the four cities have the angle of the delicate in Linglong turret, the turret 27.5 meters high, cross-roof, one after another three-Zhong Yan, surrounded by Liang Shan, staggered, c., CMV is the structure of the building. Palace of the main entrance of the "Meridian Gate", commonly known as Wu Fenglou. North East and West on three sides by 12-meter-high city linked to Taiwan, surrounded by a square box. There are a group of construction. There is the middle of Paris, was 9 of the wide hall, Zhong Yan Dianding veranda, in about two out Que wall, built in conjunction eaves of the ridge-four pavilions, linked to the next gallery, each of the two wings of the 13 Hall of housing Reach out to the south, have Siyu tall corner booth, auxiliary wing of the main hall. This forms the entrance tower known as the "Que door," China is the most ancient door in the form of high-level. This group on the city's architecture, majestic and magnificent situation, is the Forbidden City Palace in the first group of peaks. Meridian Gate is the emperor under the edict, ordered off. At the moment, when the emperor took the imperial decree, issued calendar, Wenwubaiguan have gathered at the square in front of the afternoon listening purpose. Among the main entrance of the Meridian Gate in peacetime, only the emperor can access the emperor into a wedding at Queen's, Palace examination champion, Bang Yan, the third overall pick of the three can be from out of the gate first. Minister for civil and military out of the east side of the door, the imperial clan from the west side of the Princes Gate. The back door "Shenwu Men", when the Ming Dynasty "Xuanwu Men," for the ancient basaltic one of the four animal from the position, the left-Dragon, White Tiger right, the former Suzaku, after the basalt, basaltic main north, the imperial palace of Beigong Multi-door named "black soldier." Qing Emperor Kangxi years as a result of taboo called "Shenwu Men." Shenwu Men is a form of Shing House, with the highest levels of Zhong Yan-style veranda roof of the hall, but it's only five-room hall plus Wai Gallery, there is no stretch to move around the wings, so in the shapes of the afternoon than on the door of a low-grade . Shenwu Men is a day-to-day access to the Imperial Household access. Shenwu Men are for the main entrance of the Palace Museum. Donghua Men of the West and China should be relatively remote door, the door has dropped steles, Jinshui He monitor the flow of North and South, a stone shelf, for the three northbound door. Donghua Men of the West and the door to China the same shape, flat rectangular red city of Taiwan, Bai Xu Mizuo, which provided 3 voucher door outside to inside the circle tickets. City has a tower on the stage, the yellow glazed tile veranda Dianding Zhong Yan, Miankuo tower 5, into the deep 3, around the gallery. In the afternoon, with the door, and possessed a large courtyard large, of which arc within the Jinshui He east along the north is North Korea outside the palace gate - Tai door, about North Korea have their own room veranda Gallery. Jinshui He's 5 bridges, white with white marble railings, with the river Wanzhuan, like jade belt. [Edit this paragraph] three Tai hall door, more than 30,000 square meters in the open courtyard, is outside the center of North Korea: The Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall and Paul Hall and, collectively, the three main hall (the Ming Dynasty, said: Feng Dian , Canopy Hall, who would like to Temple, when Jiajing name: Imperial Palace extremely, extremely Hall, a hall built. Now known as the name of the Qing Dynasty). 3 This is the main hall of the Palace of the main building, the height of their different shapes, different forms of the roof, appears to be rich but not stiff. Hall of Supreme Harmony Hall of Supreme Harmony (Ming Feng said Hall, a Royal Palace), commonly known as "Jin Luandian," Hall of Supreme Harmony 35.05 meters high and 63 meters East and West, North and South 35 meters, with an area of about more than 2380 square meters. Area of the Forbidden City is one of the largest Dian-Zhong Zhu, and also the shapes of the highest specifications, the most magnificent building. Hall of Supreme Harmony is a five-sloping ridge four main hall, from east to west, there is a long ridge, before and after each of the two oblique ridge line down, thus constitute a five-four ridge of the roof slope, building on the term-called Temple veranda. Yan Jiao, 10 animals (dragon, respectively, phoenix, lion, Pegasus, the hippocampus, Ni, charge fish, Xie Zhi, Bull, even line), China's ancient architecture of a special case. From about the 14th century Ming Dynasty, Zhong Yan veranda is the Hall of feudal dynasty palace in the form of the highest level. Hall of Supreme Harmony has a diameter of up to 1 meter large column of 72, 6 of them around the Throne of Lek is the powder Jinqi Beaulieu column. Lek a hall powder Jinqi wooden pillars and a refined caisson Beaulieu, in the middle hall is a symbol of the feudal imperial power - Jinqidiaolong throne hall at the high table of 2 meters, placed an Jinqidiaolong throne, before modeling Throne The beautiful crane, furnace, ding, Diaolong is behind the screen. Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City is the largest wooden structure of the building, the Palace is the most spectacular architecture, is also China's largest wooden structure of the temples. The entire hall decorated magnificent, beautiful solemn. Hall of Supreme Harmony is the emperor held a major ceremony. That is, the emperor ascended the throne, birthday, wedding, and so on New Year's Day celebration here. And Temple And Temple (Temple of the Ming dynasty that canopy, in the very Hall) Palace is one of the three main hall, located in Tai Wo bring up the rear. Hall and 27 meters high, were flat square, Miankuo, into the deep 3, surrounded by a gallery, the Golden shop, 580 sq. m 2. Dan Yan Huang glazed tile 1.40 Cuanjian Ding, ding the middle of a gold. Ridge top into a four-tip-like, on an copper deposit fetal ball of the ding-lau, construction terminology called on 1.40-saving tip. Hall and the emperor is the Hall of Supreme Harmony to be held before the ceremony rest and exercise rituals. In the Hall of Supreme Harmony to the emperor before a stopover here, to accept a cabinet minister and officials of the Li Bu salute, and then into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, held a ceremony. In addition, the emperor worship and the world prior to the Tai Miao, have also reviewed here are oration to write about the "wish Edition"; to Zhongnanhai in his pre-farming, but also here to look at a farming. And Paul Hall Paul and Dian (Hall of the Ming Dynasty who would like to say, to build a Hall) Palace is one of the three main hall, and bring up the rear. Paul Hall and 29 meters high, were flat rectangular, Miankuo 9, 5 deep into the construction area of 1240 ㎡. Chongyanxieshan yellow-glazed tile roof. Zheng Ji middle of a roof, before and after each 2 vertical ridges in the lower part of each ridge and then down the ramp of a bifurcated ridge, together with Zheng Ji, vertical ridges, the ridges were bifurcated 9, construction on the term-called Xieshan. Paul Hall and the annual New Year's Eve Ciyan Outlying Prefectures kings and emperors of the place. Paul Hall and the Imperial Examination is held in Palace. And the Hall of Supreme Harmony and Hall, Paul Hall and all white marble structure built on the 8-meter-high work-shaped stage, the former Tai, and in the middle, and security in the post. Yuan Wang as the myth of Joan Que Sin Temple. Three-base overlap, each edge of the stage are decorated with white marble sculpture of the steeplechase, and hope the lead column, there are three stone steps carved a three-Beaulieu, the convective clouds and waves set off by the "Royal Road" . In a table of 25,000 square meters steeplechase Toudiao 1415, the sculpture Xiang Feng Wang Yunlong column 1460, the 1138 leader. With so many white marble decorations of the three, overlapping shapes and downs, which is the ancient Chinese architecture has a unique style of decorative arts. This decorative feature in the structure, the table is the pipes. Fu in the steeplechase in stone, engraved with a small hole; in sight under the column out of the lead also carve a small hole. Every rainy season, and 3 layers of rain by the small discharge hole, the outflow of water from hydrants, water Qianlong, a magnificent view. This is the science and art design. [Edit this paragraph] Neiting Palace of Heavenly Purity Palace of the latter part of the building called Neiting, Neiting palace door - the door dry-ching, there are about Zhaobi glass, the door is the palace after three. Neiting to Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall cross, Kunning Gong as the center, there are two wings of East and West East and West Liu Gong Liu Gong, the emperor is to deal with day-to-day is also the Chief of the Emperor and Empress to live life. In the latter part of the same architectural style in the first half. Building the first half of the image is a serious and solemn, majestic, magnificent, with the supreme symbol of the emperor. Neiting the latter part of life is full of flavor, mostly from construction into a courtyard, garden, library, museum pavilion, rocks, and so on. Palace of Heavenly Purity in the Forbidden City in the first court. Neiting Palace of Heavenly Purity is the main hall, 20 meters high. Zhong Yan Dianding veranda. Hall of the middle of a throne, there are "above board" important. There are two Snappers. Palace of Heavenly Purity is a feudal emperor's palace. Qing Emperor Kangxi ago to live here and deal with the Chief. After the Qing Emperor Yongzheng Yang Xindian moved, but this is still Zoubao approval, and sent officials summoned Chen Xia. Kunning Gong Kunning Gong in the National Palace Museum "in chambers" last surface. Zhong Yan Dianding veranda. Kunning Gong Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty Emperor Yong Zheng, before the Queen's palace, there are two Snappers. Replaced by the Qing Dynasty ritual places. Yongzheng, West Snappers for the shaman to sacrifice. Snappers for the Middle East, the emperor's wedding bridal chamber, Kangxi, Tongzhi, Guangxu DDD, are to be held in this wedding. Thai Temple in pay and the Palace of Heavenly Purity Kunning Gong, including "Conjoint heaven and earth, good health" was conveyed. On behalf of the Ming and Qing Jiaqing three years (1798 AD) repair, is four blocks to save a pointed, gold-plated ding, dragon and phoenix patterns of a square hall. Ming and Qing, the Hall of the Queen's birthday is held Shouqing activities. Qing Dynasty Empress of the so-called pro-silkworm ceremony, the need to check this ceremony of the festival preparations. The Qing Dynasty, "Xi Bao" (seal) is also in the collection here. Since the Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Yang Xindian after becoming emperor in the Forbidden City in the actual residence. Tongzhi Qing Empress years, Tsz second behind a screen on the Queen Mother in the East Yang Xindian Snappers. After three Miyazawa things in the veranda, as well as the storage king crown, robe, belt, Li Duan Ning's Hall, the place of books Langhammer Hall of Mao ground. South veranda of a study on Prince study, Hanlin degree value for the study of the South, as well as the management of the daily life of the court premises. In addition, the symmetrical precision on the door, the door Yuet Wah, Long-ray doors, door Fung Choi, the base of the door, the door end, longfu department store doors, and doors View, Tong Fei Zi Liu Gong living things. This symmetrical layout of the plane, China is also one of the features of the ancient architecture. Neiting Ningshou Gong was on the eastern side of the emperor declared Qianlong step down after the palace when the old-age overlord, the construction cost 1,102,000 Bank. Kunning Gong in the north of the Imperial Garden. Imperial Garden, there are tall pines and cypresses, and rare flowers and trees, rocks and Pavilion. Originally named after the Imperial Garden Palace Court, covers an area of more than 11,000 square meters, more than 20 construction. Qinan to Temple as the center, landscape architecture, primary and secondary use of complementary, symmetrical pattern, the compact layout, rich classical. Hall of the stack the northeast Xiushan, in order to build from Taihu Dan Diego, the Royal Pavilion building, known as the Chunting million and the future of the two pavilion booths, it can be said is the preservation of the gutting of the most gorgeous. [Edit this paragraph] of Antiquities Collections in the National Palace, the first to appreciate the rich and varied architecture; Second, watch the display in the indoor precious cultural relics. National Palace Museum, a large quantity of precious cultural relics, according to statistics up to a total of as many as 1,052,653, collectively referred to as a cultural 1,000,000, representing the National Heritage of the total number of 1 / 6. As of December 31, 2005, Chinese cultural relics collection system unit-level cultural relics collection of the total number of 109,197 is now in all the State Administration of Cultural Heritage for the record file. National-level cultural relics preservation of the collection units in 1330, the National Palace Museum in 8273 (sets of) top, and received a lot of unique national treasure. Some of the Forbidden City palace in the establishment of a comprehensive history of the Museum of Art, painting museum, Museum categorization ceramics, bronzes Museum, the Ming and Qing Dynasties Technology Museum, the Museum inscription, toy museum, the four treasures of the museum, the play of Hall, the museum treasures, and watch House-ching Court on behalf of institutions such as cultural relics exhibition, a large number of collections of ancient art, is China's richest collection of cultural relics museum. [Edit this paragraph] * Palace Events in 1406 (four years, Wing-lok), Ban Zhao Ming Chengzu capital, Beijing, Nanjing, modeled on the palace ordered the Beijing palace construction. * 1420 (18 years, Wing-lok), the completion of the Beijing palace. The following year a fire broke out in the first three Temple was destroyed. * 1440 (five-orthodox), the reconstruction of the Middle Temple in the first three and Palace of Heavenly Purity. * 1459 (Tianshun three years), Xiyuan construction. * 1557 (36 years Jiajing), the fire in the Forbidden City, Temple in the first three, Feng door, floor, civil and military, the Meridian Gate were burned, in 1561 only to the full completion of the reconstruction. * 1597 (25 years Wanli), the Forbidden City fire hall burned down in the first three, after three palace. Rehabilitation project until 1627 (seven years revealed) to be completed. * 1644 (Chongzhen 17 years), Li Jun fall of Beijing, the Ming dynasty die out. Li burned before the retreat of the Forbidden City, Wu Yingdian only, to build a hall, the Hall of Ying Wa, the South Hall of smoke, around the turret and the door did not burn very emperor, all the rest of the building were destroyed. In the same year Junji Qing emperor moved the capital from Shenyang to Beijing. Since then, over 14 years, the middle will be the basic building repair. * 1683 (22 years of Emperor Kangxi), the Forbidden City began to rebuild destroyed and the remaining part of the building to be completed basic Kangxi 34 years. * 1735 (13 years Yongzheng), Qing Gaozong (Qianlong Emperor) ascended the throne, after 60 years of the Forbidden City to carry out large-scale inter-building and reconstruction. * 1813 (18 years Jiaqing), Lin Tian Lijiao Hindu rate of rebel army to attack the Forbidden City. * In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Beijing. Eight-Power Allied Forces military parade in the Forbidden City. * 1911, the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, the Qing emperor abdicated. However, in accordance with the Republic of China with the signing of the special care and conditions for still living in the Forbidden City inside. * 1923, Jianfu Palace fire. * In 1924, Feng Yuxiang to launch the "Beijing coup", the expulsion of Qing emperor Pu Yi. * In 1925, the original on the basis of the establishment of the Forbidden City Palace Museum. * 1933, the National Palace Museum artifacts across the border, to escape the Japanese invasion. * In 1948, the National Palace Museum in Taiwan to the south part of the cultural relics. * January 1949, the stability of Beijing, the Palace Museum reopened. * 1950s and 1960s of the twentieth century, have been put forward plans to build the National Palace Museum, for various reasons has been on hold for a long time. * In 1961, approval of the State Council, the Imperial Palace in Beijing have been designated as the first batch of national key cultural unit. * In 1987, the Imperial Palace in Beijing was listed by UNESCO as world cultural heritage list. * In 2005, the beginning of the Imperial Palace in Beijing for a 19-year overhaul. [Edit this paragraph] Forbidden City Tour Guide, you can enter from Tiananmen Square, you can enter by the back door ---- Shenwu Men. From entering Tiananmen Square, a brick through the shop in the square, we arrived at the main gate of the Forbidden City ---- Meridian Gate. Through the Meridian Gate, a large square, square one Jinshui Qiao. Tai Wo bridge by the door is the magnificent Hall of Supreme Harmony. By the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall and Paul Hall and through the door dry-ching, will enter Neiting, at Neiting Road, East and West of the three routes. If Picnic, which can only travel one of the three routes, and generally take the middle. Road can go to see Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall cross, Kunning Gong, Princess Bin reside (some of which have been turned into exhibition halls) and the Imperial Garden. In general, with half a day tour the National Palace, the comparison difficult. In order to better arrangements for the day. If, like to see more detail, Two-Day Tour can be arranged. Palace travel routes: (1) the best route to visit from the afternoon into the gate of the Forbidden City, and then along the axis in order to visit Jinshui Qiao, Tai Wo door, Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall and Paul Hall and the dry-ching door , The Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall cross, Kunning Gong, the Imperial Garden. (2) visiting the Imperial Garden, through the Imperial Garden on the left side of the door into the West followed by a visit Chuxiu Gong Liu Gong, Ling Kun Palace, Palace Yongshou, salt Palace, Changchun Gong, Tai Jidian (also known Dransfield Palace), Right inside the door and then a return to dry-ching Square, into the eastbound left inside the door, followed by a visit Liugongyanxi East Palace, Yonghe Gong, Jing-yang palace, the palace by dry, Zhongcui Gong. Liu Gong may be visiting the East along the East Chang An Avenue to return to the stem-ching Square, King delivered through the east gate to enter the door Xiqing, and then enter a door emperor can visit the Imperial Palace very, Ningshou Gong, play Xilou , Chang Kok Yin, Yang of Temple, the Qianlong Garden, Zhen Fei Well, the last out of the door Shun-ching of the westbound Shenwu Men leave the National Palace. National Palace Museum are open all year round Ticket prices: Low season (every year on November 1 to March 31 next year) 40 yuan, the peak season (every year from April 1 to October 31) 60 yuan; certificate students 20 yuan (middle school students free of charge). Treasures from the Museum and the Museum watch the 10 per ticket. Ticket time: April 1 -10 31 8:30-16:00 Nov. 1 - the following year on March 31 8:30-15:30 The opening hours: April 1 -10 31 8:30-17:00 Nov. 1 - the following year on March 31 8:30-16:30 Stop into the museum: April 1 -10, at 4:10 p.m. on the 31st Nov. 1 - the following year at 3:40 p.m. on March 31 To remind Visit the National Palace Museum, Tiananmen Square from the Progressive, you can enter by the back door ---- Shenwu Men. From entering Tiananmen Square, a brick through the shop in the square, we arrived at the main gate of the Forbidden City ---- Meridian Gate. Through the Meridian Gate, a large square, square one Jinshui Qiao. Tai Wo bridge by the door is the magnificent Hall of Supreme Harmony. By the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall and Paul Hall and through the door dry-ching, will enter Neiting, at Neiting Road, East and West of the three routes. If Picnic, which can only travel one of the three routes, and generally take the middle. Road can go to see Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall cross, Kunning Gong, Princess Bin reside (some of which have been turned into exhibition halls) and the Imperial Garden. In general, with half a day tour the National Palace, the comparison difficult. In order to better arrangements for the day. If, like to see more detail, Two-Day Tour can be arranged. Voice guides Languages: Chinese, Cantonese, English, French, Japanese, German, Korean, Russian, Thai, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Italian. Location: on the Meridian Gate, on the Shenwu Men Department. Price: 100 yuan deposit and rent 40 yuan (Chinese version, the Cantonese version 10). Broadcasting: King delivered the southwest gate. Keep package: the Meridian Gate, Shenwu Men, time :8:30-18: 00, Price: free (visitors may choose not to keep security after the package can be transported free of charge between the two). Wheelchairs and children's car: on the Meridian Gate, on the Shenwu Men, the price: free. Service Center audience: Arrow booths. Phone :010 audience-85111576, 85111567. Fixed display: original court and display more than 10 fixed exhibition. Facilities: open area fast-food restaurant. Permanent exhibition at the National Palace Museum "Museum Treasures - Cultural Relics from the Palace precious possession" - Imperial Palace veranda room very dependent Hall of Yueshou Tang and Yi Xuan "Shek Kwu Museum - Shek Kwu Qin display feature" - Queen East highly Hall veranda "Watch Museum - the National Palace Museum collection Watch Fair" - Fengxian Temple (11:00 museum and watch demonstrations have 14 points) "Bronze Museum" - Cheng Qian Gong "Opera Palace Exhibition" - Chang Music Pavilion floor, is available "Pu Yi Chin-life" - Lai Hin "Bin life of the Qing Dynasty Princess Show" - Yongshou Palace "Dynasty music show" - Hong-yi ko "Palace guards of honor Lu Bu Show" - Tai veranda door of the West "Tian Yong Tibetan Exhibition" - Paul Hall and West veranda "Qing Wubei Show" - Hong-yi House Nancy winding veranda "Wan Festival Show" - Palace of Heavenly Purity veranda of the West "The Emperor wedding show" - East Palace of Heavenly Purity veranda [Edit this paragraph] documentary "Forbidden City" Imperial Palace, a royal palace is also a museum. Together nearly 600 years of court and change the world changes, accumulated for thousands of years of culture. National Palace Museum, with its heavy connotations of the Chinese nation to become the cultural, artistic and social, historical landmark. National Palace Museum is the world's largest and most complete existing ancient palace complex, also 24 Ming and Qing emperors to Lin Chao governance and daily life, is the precious cultural heritage of mankind. Here on behalf of the authority, but also full of mystery. In October 1925, completed the National Palace Museum to the palace from the historical changes in China's largest ancient culture and art museums. In October 2005, the National Palace Museum coincides with the 80th anniversary of the hospital building. National Palace Museum and the China Central Television in 2002, decided to co-produced television documentary, "Forbidden City", for the first time the full construction of the National Palace, heritage and history. "Forbidden City" the best version of the set is divided into 12, 50-minute episode. "Palace Museum" documentary filming since the beginning of the world have been on the media attention. CCTV International TV Corporation, belongs with the National Geographic Channel entered into an agreement, the two sides will co-produce the two-hour "Forbidden City" of the international edition of the United States by the National Geographic Channel exclusive agent "Forbidden City" special edition of the overseas issue. Not only will the "Forbidden City" documentary to the world at the same time, the Palace Museum has such a sense of the world's cultural treasure house, is also an important cultural value of the spread. For the high quality of this unprecedented large-scale documentary film, China Central Television and the National Palace Museum, both sides have invested great strength. Before the shooting, the two sides jointly organized a number of experts will, among all the parties concerned to seek a well-known experts, and experts take the National Palace Museum, organized a strong team of academic advisers, a documentary on the shooting script and, after Additions and deletions, and repeatedly revised. Only area around the National Palace Museum has hundreds of experts involved in this work. China Central Television for the "Forbidden City" organization with a powerful line-up creation, content creation, the crew followed the authority, objectivity and visibility, the perfect combination of narrative principle, strive to maximize both the general audience and professionals Demand viewing. In order to achieve a perfect artistic effect, the use of high-definition video film photography equipment, a variety of high-level photography and film class aids lighting equipment, as well as the latter advanced equipment to ensure a first-class film production standards. "Palace Museum" in a lot of animation also created a documentary in the creation of a new record in animation, such as the construction of the Forbidden City, Kangxi and Qianlong of the Year when the National Palace, the scene of a massive reproduction of the ceremony, and so on, in order to increase the film's true visual effects And some new animation techniques used are also impressive. In the shooting of two years, crews are facing every day knew a lot of treasure, a considerable part of the collection for the protection of the needs for light, the environment, there are stringent requirements for this film brought about by the great Degree of difficulty. For example, in the film "National Palace Museum Painting and Calligraphy" set, involving a large number of fine handed down the painting, in order to ensure that these priceless paintings on the premise of security, improve the quality of the film, produced by the staff selected the artifacts from the coffers of the recent shooting locations , Did not use the heat and ultraviolet Lvqu special lighting equipment, after the National Palace Museum of Science and Technology experts strict examinations and tests to determine the lights have no effect on the painting, carried out shooting. Drawing on the humidity is very strict, we must ensure that between 48-55 degrees, in order to maintain proper humidity, the crew shooting the scene of the non-stop for watering operations to ensure the safety of painting. Painting shooting just shooting a collection of cultural relics, the heritage of all the shooting, the crew are professional assistance in strict accordance with a set of well-detailed process of operation, both to ensure that none of the relics go wrong, and maximize the Of artistic expression. Set 12 "Forbidden City" the best version of the National Palace from the construction, use, collection and artifacts from the Palace Museum, the National Palace to show a full range of both the display of artifacts, history and combing both rigorous scientific thesis, There is no lack of vivid characters and the story about the fate of. "Forbidden City" this documentary works will be comprehensive, systematic and objective display of the history of the National Palace today and the future. That beautiful, mysterious vicissitudes of the palace buildings and cultural relics collection, a lot of unknown, fresh and vivid characters and the fate of historical events, and the implication of the rich art and cultural history of ideological content and the audience will bring an unprecedented new Feelings. - The world's largest, and the representative of traditional Chinese architectural art of the highest standard of construction of the Royal community, was presented as a whole; - National Palace Museum collection of nearly 1,500,000 in all types of precious cultural relics and classic works of the legendary, had a perfect show; - Took place in the National Palace in the last 600 years, as well as with major historical events are closely related to historical figures, the decryption system; - Countries in the world at different stages of technology products, scientific instruments, such as cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign direct evidence, conducted a thorough combing Memorial; - National Palace Museum to build homes in the 80 years of experience changes, the difficult start, back and forth, and other historical treasures, a detailed review; - The ancient Forbidden City in the founding of New China and the development of new, massive overhaul of the 100 years of the implementation process, carried out an exclusive record. Design and a lot of historical relics. [Edit this paragraph] a debate on the National Palace, "Palace Museum" or "Forbidden City" National Palace Museum, as the East Building of the palace on behalf of the world an example of palace architecture. In 1987, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee will be included in the National Palace, "the World Heritage List." Palace is the official name of the "Palace Museum" (The Palace Museum), but in Europe and the United States published in the tourism brochures, often called the "Forbidden City" (The Forbidden City), and the annotations it is China that Two generations of Qing Dynasty royal resident. Zengjinglaiguo most of the world or the Palace of the visitors want to look at is that in the Hollywood movie "The Last Emperor" in the shining mystery of the giant Royal Palace, would like to experience, the East is the splendor of imperial times with the extensive, but not Just to visit the National Palace in the display at the national level cultural relics. Palace of the Royal Palace of the property, which is far greater than as a function of the museum's possession of objects. At the National Palace Museum is considered the subconscious, Tai Wo in the door to set up a large-screen TV guide system, the idea was put forward, the experts argue, the plan ultimately failed to be implemented. Second, the attribution of the National Palace Museum National Palace Museum is one of the world cultural heritage, in this sense, belongs to the National Palace in the world. From the point of view of property ownership, the National Palace as a subject of great real estate, before the Revolution, has always belonged to the royal family, all of the Qing Dynasty. When the Prince Pu Yi Feng Yuxiang will be out of the Forbidden City, it has been nationalized. This involves international law are two important concepts: "nationalization" and "inheritance."  
[编辑本段]北京故宫简介  故宫位于北京市中心,旧称紫禁城。是两代的皇宫,无与伦比的古代建筑杰作,世界现存最大、最完整的古建筑群。被誉为世界五大宫之首(北京故宫、法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、美国白宫、俄罗斯克里姆林宫)。

[编辑本段]历史  故宫始建于公元1406年(永乐四年),1420年(永乐十八年)基本竣工,历时14年,是明成祖朱棣始建,在元大都宫殿的基础上兴建。明初主持设计者蒯祥(1397-1481年,字廷瑞,苏州人)。


[编辑本段]建筑形式  故宫严格地按《周礼·考工记》中“前朝后市,左祖右社”的帝都营建原则建造。整个故宫,在建筑布置上,用形体变化、高低起伏的手法,组合成一个整体。在功能上符合封建社会的等级制度。同时达到左右均衡和形体变化的艺术效果。中国建筑的屋顶形式是丰富多彩的,在故宫建筑中,不同形式的屋顶就有10种以上。以3大殿为例,屋顶各不相同。故宫建筑屋顶满铺各色琉璃瓦件。主要殿座以黄色为主。绿色用于皇子居住区的建筑。其它蓝、紫、黑、翠以及孔雀绿、宝石蓝等五色缤纷的琉璃,多用在花园或琉璃壁上。太和殿屋顶当中正脊的两端各有琉璃吻兽,稳重有力地吞住大脊。吻兽造型优美,是构件又是装饰物。一部分瓦件塑造出龙凤、狮子、海马等立体动物形象,象征吉祥和威严,这些构件在建筑上起了装饰作用。
[编辑本段]故宫四门  故宫有四个大门,正门名为午门。其平面为凹形,宏伟壮丽。午门后有五座精巧的汉白玉拱桥通往太和门。东门名东华门,西门名西华门,北门名神武门。故宫的四个城角都有精巧玲珑的角楼,角楼高27.5米,十字屋脊,三重檐迭出,四面亮山,多角交错,是结构奇丽的建筑。
  在午门以内,有广阔的大庭院,当中有弧形的内金水河横亘东西,北面就是外朝宫殿大门——太和门,左右各有朝房 廊庑。金水河上有5座桥梁,装有白色汉白玉栏杆,随河宛转,形似玉带。
[编辑本段]三大殿  太和门内,在3万多平方米开阔的庭院中,是外朝的中心:太和殿中和殿保和殿,统称三大殿(明朝称:奉天殿、华盖殿、谨身殿,嘉靖时改名:皇极殿、中极殿、建极殿。现名为清朝时名称)。这3座大殿是故宫中的主要建筑,它们高矮造型不同,屋顶形式也不同,显得丰富多样而不呆板。

  太和殿(明朝称奉天殿、皇极殿),俗称“金銮殿”,太和殿高35.05米,东西63米,南北35米,面积约2380多平方米。面积是紫禁城诸殿中最大的一座,而且形制也是最高规格,最富丽堂皇的建筑。太和殿是五脊四坡大殿,从东到西有一条长脊,前后各有斜行垂脊两条,这样就构成五脊四坡的屋面,建筑术语上叫庑殿式。檐角有10个走兽(分别为 龙、凤、狮子、天马、海马、狻猊、押鱼、獬豸、斗牛、行什),为中国古建筑之特例。大约从14世纪明代起,重檐庑殿是封建王朝宫殿等级最高的形式。太和殿有直径达1米的大柱72根,其中6根围绕御座的是沥粉金漆的蟠龙柱。殿内有沥粉金漆木柱和精致的蟠龙藻井,殿中间是封建皇权的象征——金漆雕龙宝座,设在殿内高2米的台上,安放着金漆雕龙宝座,御座前有造型美观的仙鹤、炉、,背后是雕龙屏。太和殿是故宫中最大的木结构建筑,是故宫最壮观的建筑,也是中国最大的木构殿宇。整个大殿装饰得金碧辉煌,庄严绚丽。太和殿是皇帝举行重大典礼的地方。即皇帝即位、生日、婚礼、元旦等都在这里庆祝。



乾清宫 故宫建筑的后半部叫内廷,内廷宫殿的大门——乾清门,左右有琉璃照壁,门里是后三宫。内廷以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫为中心,东西两翼有东六宫和西六宫,是皇帝处理日常政务之处也是皇帝与后妃居住生活的地方。后半部在建筑风格上同于前半部。前半部建筑形象是严肃、庄严、壮丽、雄伟,以象征皇帝的至高无上。后半部内廷则富有生活气息,建筑多是自成院落,有花园、书斋、馆榭、山石等。

[编辑本段]文物收藏  故宫,一是欣赏丰富多彩的建筑艺术;二是观赏陈列于室内的珍贵的文物。故宫博物院藏有大量珍贵文物,据统计总共达1052653件之多,统称有文物100万件,占全国文物总数的1/6。截至2005年12月31日,中国文物系统文物收藏单位馆藏一级文物的总数已达109197件,现已全部在国家文物局建档备案。在全国保存一级文物的1330个收藏单位中,故宫博物院以8273件(套)高居榜首,并收有很多绝无仅有的国宝。故宫的一些宫殿中设立了综合性的历史艺术馆、绘画馆、分类的陶瓷馆、青铜器馆、明清工艺美术馆、铭刻馆、玩具馆、文房四宝馆、玩物馆、珍宝馆、钟表馆和清代宫廷典章文物展览等,收藏有大量古代艺术珍品,是中国收藏文物最丰富的博物馆。
[编辑本段]故宫大事记  * 1406年(永乐四年),明成祖颁诏迁都北京,下令仿照南京皇宫营建北京宫殿。
  * 1420年(永乐十八年),北京宫殿竣工。次年发生大火,前三殿被焚毁。
  * 1440年(正统五年),重建前三殿及乾清宫。
  * 1459年(天顺三年),营建西苑
  * 1557年(嘉靖三十六年),紫禁城大火,前三殿、奉天门、文武楼、午门全部被焚毁,至1561年才全部重建完工。
  * 1597年(万历二十五年),紫禁城大火,焚毁前三殿、后三宫。复建工程直至1627年(天启七年)方完工。
  * 1644年(崇祯十七年),李自成军攻陷北京,明朝灭亡。李自成撤退前焚毁紫禁城,仅武英殿、建极殿、英华殿南熏殿、四周角楼和皇极门未焚,其余建筑全部被毁。同年清顺治皇帝从沈阳迁都至北京。此后历时14年,将中路建筑基本修复。
  * 1683年(康熙二十二年),开始重建紫禁城其余被毁部分建筑,至康熙三十四年基本完工。
  * 1735年(雍正十三年),清高宗(乾隆帝)即位,此后六十年间对紫禁城进行大规模增建和改建。
  * 1813年(嘉庆十八年),天理教教徒林清率起义军攻打紫禁城。
  * 1900年,八国联军攻陷北京。八国联军在紫禁城阅兵。
  * 1911年,武昌起义爆发,清帝退位。但按照与民国签订的优抚条件,仍然居住于紫禁城内。
  * 1923年,建福宫发生火灾。
  * 1924年,冯玉祥发动“北京政变”,驱逐清帝溥仪。
  * 1925年,在原紫禁城的基础上建立故宫博物院。
  * 1933年,故宫博物院文物南迁,以躲避日本侵略。
  * 1948年,故宫博物院南迁文物部分运往台湾
  * 1949年1月,北平稳定后,故宫博物院恢复开放。
  * 二十世纪五六十年代,陆续有提出故宫修建计划,后因种种原因搁置了很长一段时间。
  * 1961年,经国务院批准,北京故宫被定为全国第一批重点文物保护单位。
  * 1987年,北京故宫被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。
  * 2005年,北京故宫开始进行为期19年的大修。
[编辑本段]旅游指南   游览故宫,可以从天安门进,也可以由后门----神武门进。由天安门进入,穿过一片青砖铺地的广场,便到达紫禁城的正门----午门。穿过午门,又是一个大广场,广场上有一金水桥。过桥经太和门便是雄伟的太和殿。经太和殿、中和殿、保和殿,穿过乾清门,便进入内廷,内廷分中路、东路和西路三条路线。如果是半日游,这三条路线只能游一条,一般可走中路。走中路可看乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫、嫔妃所住的地方(其中有的已辟为展厅)和御花园。一般来说,用半天时间游故宫,比较吃力。以安排一日游为佳。如有时间,又想看得细些,则可安排二日游。
  4月1日—10月31日 8:30—16:00
  11月1日—次年3月31日 8:30—15:30
  4月1日—10月31日 8:30—17:00
  11月1日—次年3月31日 8:30—16:30
  4月1日—10月31日 16:10
  11月1日—次年3月31日 15:40
  价格:押金 100 元,租金40元(汉语版、粤语版10元)。
  存包处:午门、神武门,时间:8:30-18:00 ,价格:免费(游客可选择安检后不存包,可在两门之间免费运送)。
  《珍宝馆——故宫藏珍贵文物展》—皇极殿庑房 养性殿 乐寿堂 颐和轩
  《清宫戏曲展》—畅音阁 阅是楼
[编辑本段]纪录片《故宫》  故宫,是一座皇家宫殿,也是一座博物馆。凝聚着近600年的宫廷变迁和人世沧桑,积淀了几千年的文化。故宫,以其厚重的内涵,成为中华民族文化、艺术和社会、历史的里程碑。故宫是世界上现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群,也是明清24位皇帝临朝为政和日常生活的地方,是人类珍贵的文化遗产。这里代表了权威,也充满了神秘。
[编辑本段]关于故宫的争论  一、是“故宫博物院”还是“紫禁城”
  故宫,作为东方宫殿建筑的代表、世界宫殿建筑的典范。1987年,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会将故宫列入“世界遗产目录”。 故宫的官方名称是“故宫博物院”(The Palace Museum),但在欧美国家出版的旅游小册子里,通常都称其为“紫禁城”(The Forbidden City),并附加说明它是中国明、清两代王朝的皇家驻地。世界上大多数曾经来过或想来故宫的游客要看的,是那个在好莱坞电影《末代皇帝》中闪耀着神秘色彩的巨型皇家宫殿,想体验的,是东方帝制时代的壮美与恢宏,而不仅仅是要参观故宫内陈设的国家级文物。故宫的皇家宫殿的属性,远远大于它作为博物馆的藏物功能。 在故宫被视为博物馆的潜意识下,一个在太和门设立大屏幕电视导游系统的设想曾被提出来,在专家们的据理力争下,这一计划最终没能实施。
  一方面是,包括故宫内部的一些专家在内的专家们纷纷提出反对意见——其广泛程度超出了想象;另一方面是,故宫的管理者声称自己并不知道有反对意见。据报道,故宫博物院一位副院长在谈及这个问题时非常肯定地说,他没有听到任何反对意见,所有的一流专家都同意这个方案。“故宫开了三次专家论证会,没有人表示不同意。”他说,如果有人反对,“那他们肯定不是一流专家。”且不说故宫管理者是否召集了国内古建筑学界的权威学者,专家论证会是否真正做到了“知无不言、言无不尽”,论证的结果在最终的大修方案中有无切实体现,仅就决策程序一项,就已违反了宪法的原则和精神。 《中华人民共和国宪法》第2条还规定:“人民依照法律规定,通过各种途径和形式,管理国家事务,管理经济和文化事业,管理社会事务。”像故宫大修这样一件影响甚巨的公共社会事务,没有公民的直接参与,是无论如何也说不过去的。国家文物行政主管机关可以就故宫大修方案邀请各路专家、管理机构、普通公民参加听证,通过法律程序得出能够被普遍接受的最佳修缮方案。
[编辑本段]故宫悬疑  天人合一紫禁城
[编辑本段]故宫出版物  紫禁城出版社成立于1983年,现有出版物为《故宫博物院院刊》(双月刊)、《紫禁城》(双月刊)和以明清历史、故宫文物为中心的图书。多年以来,以故宫博物院藏品和学术研究成果为依托,紫禁城出版社已经形成了艺术和学术含量高的出版特色,在学术性、资料性、观赏性和趣味性各个方面均受到各界读者的好评。
[编辑本段]台湾故宫  台湾故台湾故宫又称国立故宫博物院,原名中山博物院。

台湾故宫始建于1962年,是仿照北京故宫样式设计建筑的宫殿式建筑,1965年落成,台湾故宫博物院占地总面积约16公顷,1966年启用,原名中山博物院,后改为“国立故宫博物院”。 台北故宫博物院是中国著名的历史与文化艺术史博物馆。坐落在台湾省台北市士林区外双溪。建筑设计吸收了中国传统的宫殿建筑形式,淡蓝色的琉璃瓦屋顶覆盖着米黄色墙壁,洁白的白石栏杆环绕在青石基台之上,风格清丽典雅。 台湾故宫博物院藏品包括清代北京故宫、沈阳故宫和原热河行宫等处旧藏之精华,以及海内外各界人士捐赠的文物精品,共约70万件,分为书法、古画、碑帖、铜器、玉器、陶瓷、文房用具、雕漆、珐琅器、雕刻、杂项、刺绣及缂丝、图书、文献等14类。博物院经常维持有5000件左右的书画、文物展出,并定期或不定期地举办各种特展。馆内的展品每3个月更换1次。 位于台北市郊阳明山脚下双溪至善路2段221号所以又名:台北故宫。
[编辑本段]沈阳故宫  沈阳故宫,位于沈阳市沈河区。史称盛京皇宫,始建于1625年,是后金和清初的皇宫,占地约6万平方米。
[编辑本段]南京故宫  南京故宫,又称明故宫,是明朝初期的皇宫。由明太祖 朱元璋始建于元至正二十六年 (1366年),地址在元集庆城外东北郊,初称“吴王新宫”,后又称“皇城”。由于当时朱元璋尚未称帝,故新宫建筑规模有限,只有中路的外朝和内廷建筑,新宫东西宽790米,南北长750米,有门四座,南为午门,东为东华门,西为 西华门,北为玄武门。入午门为奉天门,内为正殿奉天殿,殿前左右为文楼,武楼。奉天殿后为华盖殿,谨身殿。内廷有乾清宫和坤宁宫,以及东西六宫。