
崇文门 Chongwenmen

Chongwenmen: Yuan, said the door of civilization, commonly known as "Hartmann", "Haidai door." Chongwenmen to left-hand side Weng Cheng Zhenhai Zhenhai iron inside the famous turtle. In addition Chongwenmen customs duty on the harsh business also look outside the door daunting. "Chongwen iron turtle," were all over the ring Kyoto. Take the car wine, liquor is outside the city, then most of the wine is good wine from Zhuozhou in Hebei and other transportation, natural to go into the Beijing Road. Yun-wine-the-art car outside the city's Tiananmen Square left, Chongwenmen to pay taxes. At that time the capital of the Qing Dynasty liquor sign a written "South shochu", meaning to say, I have been on duty, my wine is not piracy, of course, that time has not yet said a ownership, Ha ha.杨柳青年画the late Qing Dynasty, known as a "cross Qiu-Jiang night." Its liquor advertising sign painted on the screen that read "South", "in wine" and other words, this is reflected in the tax for all the good habits. Chongwen previous outside the north-east have an iron turtle, the shape is very simple, it is said to bridge the moat for a child to have a sea view, so people with a sea turtle to Zhenzhu eyes, to protect the safety of Beijing. In addition, the rulers of ancient ideology and the pursuit of harmony in form is about "feng shui" intermediate "Zhengyang" for the left-hand side, "Chongwen" You Shou "Willy" to form a well-known "before the three" Main Street. Beijing Chongwen District, one of the four major urban areas, is by and named after the Chongwenmen. Chongwenmen Yuan Dadu was one of the Shing Mun 11 (at the time the door of civilization), the three South City is one of the most East. Ming Dynasty city of Beijing converted, 11 will be changed to 9; the door of civilization, although the location is not fixed, but changed its name to Chongwenmen. Qing Dynasty, used this name until today. This is a lot left in the middle iron to hear the matter. Yuan Dadu city is rammed into the soil (called the ancient "version of the building"), under the narrow width, and stand tall. Construction began in 1267 (Yuan Yuan for four years), completed in 1276 (13 years Yuan), a full ten years. Because it was rammed into the soil, then had a city to prevent soil erosion rain, with subsequent 1000 (Guanming) proposed WANG Qing-rui, "Pai Wei provision, since under the cherry on." That is used reeds curtain from bottom-up coverage, people like to wear as I am similar, or reed Mino city or town, and the establishment of a civilization outside the overcast field. "Analysis of Jin Chi" set: every year, "Wei close to the city Minowa," up to "millions" (Tam) as much. Chongwen District today with the headline grass plant 10 to the south, north, central Lucaogou Park (formerly Reed Park), and other names, all of the Yuan Dynasty and Wei received the relevant field. Later, due to the occurrence of the Yuan Dynasty throne battle, Cheng I am afraid that the other side with the fire siege, the curtain is dropping the reed. Yuan Dadu why open the door 11, South Second, North Third, the three things? Is not recorded in the history. Yuanmomingchu wrote "The farmland more than words" (author unknown), "Liu Yan City Department of Taibao Customization, a 11, making the city a man of bionic strength Ne Zha two-legged" shape. Zhang Yu also later wrote: "Most of the around 11, thatch grass land to build the city Ne Zha." Like this, 11 is the legendary symbol of the image of the Ne Zha. Three cities as "3", North City 2 "feet", the three things is the "six arms." "Chuang Chuang 11, is charged as Yunyan" (Yin-ching is a "golden-Taiwan"), we can see are very busy. As most of the design for 11 of the Shing Mun, "Liu Tai-Bao" is Liu Bingzhong. He had been a monk, Fahaozaicong, officials renamed after Liu Bingzhong. Yuan is the supreme ruler of Buddhism. Liu Haiyun called by the monks, have not yet met to ascend the throne of Kublai Khan. Liu followed Khan to fight in Yunnan, cutting the Southern Song Dynasty, the popular attention to Khan. Khan took the throne after the closure to Liu Tai-Bao, to participate in state affairs. Although Liu Bingzhong Buddhists, but careful study of Taoist doctrines, the "Book of Changes" of tai chi, Liang Yi, four images, gossip, Shao Yong Song Dynasty, "by the World Bank" in the "innate number as the" delight in talking about. Large capital construction, particularly in the planning and design, he is one of the principal person in charge. Therefore, in order to cater to his supreme ruler of the Yuan Dynasty "long prosperity of the" arrogant, blind faith in psychology, in order to play their own theories, their own aspirations, from the design of the number of Shing Mun, to spread unfounded, "Shinto-based education", Is entirely possible. Liu's death buried in the Marco Polo Bridge. Yuan door of civilization, also known as hada door at the time. "Old news the next test," cited Xi Zhi Jin, "said:" hada large door in the Palace, the name of. "Hada why Mr. King, can not test. "Hada" homophonic circulating around town as a "big Kazakhstan" and "Hard" until the liberation Hartmann also license cigarettes. In the Yuan Dynasty, hada door to call this, over the door of civilization. Writing in a number of intellectuals, "hada", "big Kazakhstan" elegant enough, on the one hand, the use of its homonym, on the one hand, the use of the door of civilization in the south eastern end of the geographical location, language, "Haidai door." Chiang Ming-Kwai who wrote, "Chang-off," said: "Tai Shan, to do throughout the east Bohai Sea Ju Dou, when the yuan to 'Haidai' doors of the check." Sea, that is, in the Bohai Sea, East China Sea; Dai, that is, Zong, that is, Zong Mount Tai. Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, "Wang Yue," there "were injured husband, Lu Qing unfinished," the poem. The two places in the East, the more justified explanations. To the Qianlong of the Qing, Yang Qing from the book "the situation in Western Beijing," added: (Chongwenmen) "You Yue Haidai, corner Hill made the sea route are Ossetia tribute, the Secretary for Tax Division in behavior." This is just from the people of the Ming Shi Xuan "Heritage of the old Beijing", "9 capital, there are taxation, and the EC in a Chongwen Division" comes from. As the text Shung-door has a total taxable Secretary, had "Haidai" as "Shan Hai Yiu corner," This is a very far-fetched. However, regardless of the "Haidai" word of explanation, the Ming and Qing literati, and even the supreme ruler of all often do not have to "civilized" and "Chongwen, and" Haidai. "Qing Ming Ming as" Gordon House, Chongwen, "poem : "Droit de seigneur city for the first net and Egypt struggle, hope Haidai clear eyes open, half-empty when seated Ziqi, Qiusheng miles this stage. "Haidai on the door, better weather, the East Ziqi, eyes open thousands of miles, how magnificent! Of the Qing Dynasty," White Yokado recorded poetry ":" Bringing the Haidai door, prostitution who suffer low. "Own" are low "as a foil, extolling the sea injuries rise of the door. Yuan from the so-ching to the famous Da Guan continued living in the vicinity of Chongwenmen." Chen Yuan know a little "set: Yuan Yu Shi Wang Yan in the door of civilization Xu, outside the South East, have built villas, "to build a garden, from a Didi", a more "SMTH Pavilion", is particularly outstanding. At that time, many people have in mind Ren says: Citing boarded the "Bringing the North inner gates? (Shing) Five cloud disappeared Margaret; Seomang henashi poop (Tonghui He refers to the ship), in general Yanbo vast, varied between the tree goes. "Civilization can be seen at the time the doors near the grand occasion.'s Death was over thanks to the" text ", the Yongzheng Scholars , East Pavilion taxi University of Prince Edward Liu Tongxun Taibao (in the Qing Dynasty over the law, "the text is" the most difficult, at least), the Yongzheng imperial poetry thanks to his "high-Haidai family status," Liu said, is meant to live in Haidai The door a noble family. "Cao water recorded time" in mind and a well-known calligrapher Zhao (a word days) also live in front of Chongwen, "show deep Yuhong, Phoebe Hall," is extremely important. However, during the Qing Dynasty's Chongwen The door has not Nancheng of Yuan Dadu city and capital of the southern tip of the early Ming Dynasty, but became more lively in the city. After that is the case: the original oak-Ming Zhu Yan Feng in Beijing, won in his nephew Wen Jian's throne, the year Wing-lok, decided to move the capital from Nanjing, Beijing. So from 1406 (four years, Wing-lok) in the Yuan Dadu city on the basis of the reconstruction of Beijing. 1420 (Wing-lok 18) completed. After the renovation of Beijing, the first to the Nancheng Yuan Dadu city, 0.8 kilometers to the south. Most of the original south of the city was about Tiananmen Square today in the northern section, moved south into what it is today. At the same time, the North removed the city from east to west and the city also demolished part of the North for the construction of a city. The Andingmen Jimen Qiao and outside the vicinity of the ruins of Yuan Dadu Tucheng. Second, to be re-brick Tucheng City. Yuan Dadu put on the Tucheng although "I am similar," but can not resist the final curtain Wei rain, so in the generation of the Yuan Dynasty, part of the "city of collapse" of things often happen only in the era of Kublai Khan's Yuan to 20 years 30 Years, "the city collapse," eight times. Every time repairs, Xingshidongzhong, and waste money, not cost goods. Ming Dynasty bricks into the city are also slightly trapezoidal, under the wide and narrow, brick per line per line and between the bricks, up slightly recessed for the benefit of low-down rain. Third, the Yuan Dadu to be changed to 11 9, Nancheng three doors as usual, only to change the name of the Shing Mun, such as the door of civilization Chongwenmen changed until today. By the year 1552 (Sanshiyinian Ming Jiajing), in order to prevent the invasion of northern ethnic minorities, in the whole scheme outside Beijing, and then a building outside the city, resulting in difficulties in the financial and material resources, the only foreign Nancheng Tsukiji into a strip of the East and West Wall, that is today's Guangqu Men from the East, West Quang Ninh to the door outside the city, also called the city. As a result, the old city of Beijing south of the Chongwenmen, has become the inner city. Street shops, other residents, were out of the gate of the official business, on the rise. Customs of the Qing Dynasty who, in the next follow-on urban construction. In order to transfer it over in Beijing were officials of the revenue, "9 capital, there are taxation, and the EC in a Chongwen Secretary" (see Ming Shi Xuan "old Beijing Heritage"). In the beginning, "the Department Tariff family" provides that the baggage is not out of the tax, "however, foreign officials are often taxable items, such as the renewal of silk cloth, and so on." As a result, "the private money that the levy of tax-free capital" and even "no sign of having goods also." Customs officials "and go on patrol, as a means of tax evasion, double punishment" (see above are "dual-day Zhi Wen"). Chen Qing Dynasty game, "Lang Ji Wen Qian," set: "Wu Jiang, Shandong Buzheng Shi Lu Zhongcheng to see Majesty, the customs officials (Chongwenmen refers to the Inland Revenue Department) claim over the extravagance, the public can not and is home to clothing, carrying a servant Before the line, said: 'You Shen my ears, what taxes!' To both, by old friends from the mattress quilt, and also finish things off of. "Taxation, many procedures, cross-examined in every possible way, the delay time. General small traders also have to queue up and wait. Tianchangrijiu, small traders find out a solution; goods according to their number, the tax inserted Mao Yan, reached the crossing, customs officials removed money immediately released. Richard Li Qing Dynasty people had a poem: "9 levy a special class, the horse track dust each successive car. So in self Tam spent tax, Zhao Zhao double the money made off intercalation temples." This is money that customs officials to the private . Tax revenue Chongwenmen many, in order to prevent the envy of other officials to "offer fresh" in the name of each year in March. To the emperor and to send Secretary of State croaker, winter bamboo shoots and whitebait October delivery has become a disguised form of dividing up the gains. At that time, also provides that the city not to open the "burning pot", where foreign liquor by the official designated by the sale of wine merchants, the evil spirit in the text of the door of the 18 designated by the unity of their land for sale, unified tax, commonly known as "18 hotels." Wine is a heavy duty, breweries small workshop in general, to make a living, often at night with a chest full of wine pig urine neck, secretly climb over the wall in order to avoid high taxes. This is the "back alcohol". Back alcohol is a very difficult and dangerous. They close to the back wall with both hands and both feet firmly and Dengzhe Pazhe per line Chengzhuan micro-protruding, up bit by bit, "climb" to the city's health department and then go on to the rope. The feudal rulers of serious exploitation, forced people to seek out Jiusiyisheng. At that time, so the text of the Inland Revenue Department said Miranda was "gate of hell. Since the end of Ming Dynasty, Chongwen outside is more lively, large and small traders, busy. Ying moat has a clear head, a shelf River bridge, a middle reaches of the river floating restaurant, a kind of cross-strait trees and plants. Lvliu the wind, on the invitation of red, very beautiful. Ming Dong Xuan "Summer out the door of civilization," Poetry: "civilization outside the city Yin Yin Liu, Huang Peng sent a hundred Bird sound good. Yugou off line (moat) Looking back, five-Yun Shen Phoenix pavilion." Bridge near For the city of flowers, "Every month there are four cities, farmers and daily-use device for more. His four Alley North, are required to decorate Boudoir, Cui Yu-ming pendant, fake flowers meaning of a bun, many in the market between" (See, "Zhi-day even smell"). Moat along the east Pacific for the palace, the palace known as peach, in March each year, "the rule of man from a discretionary call, the flying horse bit bridle, and this visit" and "Grass people to sleep", "Arrow sprinkling (pot for the game), Luk Yeung Sun Slope "(see the early Qing Dynasty who PAN Rong Majesty" at the age of Teikyo Ji Sheng "). David hook one end of the Qing dynasty also said that "the city of peace Gongmiao height", "near to river channel for irrigation, no city Guo, Chun-bo diarrhea green, soft red soil shop, Chan King-century drama, music into the embankment, clothing figure Xiang, Yang shake Spring, where the Three Mile Xu. " In winter, is a moat on the scene: "The winter cold, wooden bed to the next set of steel, one person cited in the former rope, sitting three or four people, the swift ice, the fine-sounding name-bed trailer. Canyun snow , The King even more picturesque. Rub an ice slide, both written by Li's iron teeth, the popular ice, such as Chi-sing switch, the first to win the title, skating fine-sounding name. All the people in the moat, the group rubbed smooth, Means of transport between the two places also dragged bed. Even connect a trailer bed, and governance discretion to look at Chen, Huan Yin singing, two or three traction, swift and convenient. Ji car than to sit and say more than "(see "When Teikyo-year-old Ji Sheng"). Later, the increasing blockage of water moat, the Qing government and warlords was not double-jun, scenic spots in the past, gone. Chongwenmen peach palace to traffic, will be replaced by donkey; donkey know, go into chaos, people do not have to lead to their own destination donkey will be pedestrian access to no error. This is the case, until the eve of liberation. Today, Chongwenmen wall has been dismantled, replaced by a moat of water flow underground drain. Wall along the wall of the site, on the ground wide clean asphalt-paved road, traveling pedestrians, day and night, is always flooded; on both sides of the road, stands tall, Tsui Xiulian screen is home to 10,000 people in. There are built around the city underground railway, extending in all directions, and Feng Chi switch, the daily throughput of hundreds of thousands of people. Here with 700 when compared to the pre-Yuan Dadu, which is a huge difference.

  崇文门:元称文明门,俗称“哈德门“,“海岱门“。崇文门以瓮 城左首镇海寺内镇海铁龟著名。此外崇文门税关之苛也使外埠客 商望门生畏。“崇文铁龟”名遍响京都。走酒车,城外是酒道,当年的美酒佳酿大多是从河北涿州等地运来,进北京自然要走南路。运酒的车先进了外城的左安门,再到崇文门上税。清朝那时候京城卖酒的招牌得写“南路烧酒”,意思就是说,我上过税了,我的酒不是盗版,当然,那时候还没有产权一说呢,呵呵。清末的杨柳青年画,有一幅叫做《秋江晚渡》。它的画面上画着酒幌,上面写着“南路”、“于酒”等字样,反映的就是这种全民纳税的良好风尚。以前的崇文门外,东北方向有一只铁龟,造型很是古朴,据说这一段儿护城河的桥下有一个海眼,于是人们就用一只乌龟来镇住海眼,保护北京城的平安。另外古代的统治者在思想和形式上都追求和谐统一讲究“风水”中间为“正阳”左首为“崇文”右首为“宣武”形成有名的“前三门”大街。

